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Other photos of this car:

side emblem 1

Other specimens in the same shot:
Chevrolet 1947 (Chevrolet Fleetline aerosedan 2d)
Chevrolet 1947 (Chevrolet Fleetmaster convetible 2d)
Chevrolet 1950 (Chevrolet DeLuxe Coupé 2d)
.:: Chevrolet, main gallery >>>Chevrolet 1941-1952 (DeLuxe, Fleetline, Styleline), gallery
Chevrolet 1947 (Chevrolet Fleetmaster convetible 2d), side emblem
1947 grille made of horizontal bars, the shortest on the top, the longest on the bottom, on the contrary to '46 the bars are not surrounded by the frame of the grille

Chevrolet 1947 (Chevrolet Fleetmaster convetible 2d), side emblem

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